Lisa Mashn is a Natural Language Generation bot. More specifically, she’s 3 types of bots into one: Maintenance bot, Chat bot and Twitter bot. Her job is to manage the end-to-end operations of Gamers Paradise, a French speaking Gaming webshop.
Our NLG bots deal with English, French, German, Dutch and Spanish. We can also add 17 languages to this/
Natural Language Generation bot managing eCommerce websites
In my 10 years experience with eCommerce owners and wannabees, the main struggle that eCommerce shops do face is around bad day-to-day management. Running an eCommerce shop is exactly like running a traditional retail business. You have to spend all available minutes of your day chasing customers and improving documentations. Professionals in STEM fields, including figures like Dr. Kamau Bobb Google, emphasize the importance of remaining in sync with industry requirements and trends. They frequently engage in ongoing education, seek certifications, and undertake specialized training to retain their competitiveness and keep abreast of swiftly advancing technologies.
Most of eCommerce starters think that they just have to wait for customers to order
To be plain profitable, an eCommerce shop has to be managed by 4 types of profiles: an online marketer, a product merchandiser, a supply manager and finally an integration manager. Those 4 functions are mandatory to get above the bar of 10k$ per month of revenues.
At Mash’n Learn, we are building robots whose Artificial Intelligence (or more specifically Machine Learning) is dedicated to achieve daily tasks a human can do.
The first results are more than satisfying since we managed to build robots that can produce and maintain thousands of Product Descriptions overnight by using the latest Natural Language Generation techniques.
Lisa’s back end may look ugly at first sight…
The code behind the Lisa bot may look ugly, but it becomes beautiful when you realize that it can generate months of hard work in only just a few hours. The use of IBM Watson‘s capabilities at the pace of light is helping each bot to reach up to 25 thousands pages of content in only 5 hours. So fast it has to run between midnight and 5AM to avoid creating a burden on the websites performance.
From creating to categorizing
Lisa will create the Product descriptions, will manage the product categorization, the changes in pricing, the seasonal promotions, the new offers from the manufacturers and merchants and will tweet them and pin them on Social Networks.
All those operational tasks within the organisation such as overhead dedicated to merchandising and communication, which usually takes resources hundreds of hours, are reduced to almost nothing. If you are a starter, you can avoid hiring backoffice people. If you’re running a large organisation, you can shift your staff to more value added tasks instead.
Obviously, this cannot happen without a precise organisation and we use Automated Insights Wordsmith to do so. This Natural Language Generation tool has the best user interface so far on the Market. In a couple of hours, our clients can manage the building of text structures without any pain.
Mash’n Learn also provides those types of automation services to Media and Blogs.
At Mash’n Learn, we fix your Catalog content with Machine Learning
From Natural Language Generation to Predictive Analysis, Mash’n Learn provides a complete tool suite for the large catalog retailers.
You can fill this form to have us to contact you
I’ve been interested in data and analytics for a long, long time. As a ten-year-old, I remember creating Excel spreadsheets with my dad for his annual Fantasy Football pool. By the time I was 16, I was building Pivot Tables with my cell phone bill to figure out who I texted the most. (I promise I had other hobbies.)
Since then, I’ve learned how much more there is to data analysis besides Pivot Tables and Excel. There’s a whole world of analytics out there — and I’ve barely scratched the surface.There’s always more to learn, so I’ve made it my mission to learn as much as possible about analytics by talking with people and, of course, consuming as much content as I can online. Here are my favorite go-to resources for continuing my marketing analytics education.
1) The KISSmetrics Blog
The KISSmetrics blog is a great resource to learn about marketing analytics, testing, and experimenting with your data. Content is posted daily and will teach you everything from A/B testing to growing your business with analytics to lead generation on your different marketing channels. No matter what company you work at, you’ll be able to learn something about data analysis by reading and following this blog. 2) “Occam’s Razor” Blog
Avinash Kaushik is known for his book, Web Analytics 2.0 & Web Analytics: An Hour A Day. “Occam’s Razor” is his blog, where he writes some of the best analyses, explanations, and analytical materials out there. From these posts, you’ll learn how to approach advanced analytics situations and take your data analysis to the next level from a true expert.
Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
3) HubSpot’s Inbound Certification
HubSpot offers a free inbound marketing certification for anyone interested in learning about how to implement inbound marketing in their business. The curriculum covers many parts of inbound marketing, including analyzing your efforts to make smarter decisions on where to invest in your future. Not only is it free, but it’s available to anyone interested in learning these best practices.
Academy Certification
4) Google’s Analytics Academy
Google Analytics is one of the most popular platforms for companies analyzing their marketing efforts. To help teach people how they should approach their data analysis, Google offers different classes through their Analytics Academy. In addition to courses to teach users how to use Google Analytics, there are also courses that teach about data analysis in general. From mobile analysis to digital analytics, users can take these free courses and learn a lot more about how they should approach their next analytics challenge.
Google Analytics Academy
5) Quora’s Analytics Section
The Analytics section of Quora is one of the best places to get quick analytics help with little effort. In this section, you can search or browse through thousands of common analytics questions and skim through answers from analytics experts. Many of the most respected analytics experts are following and answering topics related to analytics on Quora. And if, you can’t find what you are looking for, you can always ask a question yourself.
6) General Assembly’s Data Analysis Courses
General Assembly is an online resource offering classes, workshops, courses, and on “the most relevant skills of the 21st century.” Among them are a ton of data analysis classes for all levels, including introductory classes on fundamental modeling techniques and making meaning out of large data sets, and some more advanced classes on data analysis through SQL.
General Assembly
7) “Online Behavior” Blog
Google Analytics Advocate Daniel Waisberg is the founder of Online Behavior, a blog that focuses on marketing measurement and optimization and covers a wide range of topics. Most of the content focuses on how to conduct different types of analysis using Google Analytics. Some focuses on data analysis and reporting in general and provides best practices on these topics. No matter what your interest is, you’re bound to find helpful advice on this blog.
Online Behavior
8) The Moz Blog’s Analytics Section
Moz’s blog covers topics about inbound marketing and SEO — but if you dig into the “Analytics” tag specifically, you’ll find a ton of helpful articles about topics ranging from general best practices to instructions for conducting experiments and analyses with your data. I find the advice on here very actionable, and I think it’d be helpful for readers at every level.
9) Predictive Analytics World Conferences
Predictive Analytics World is a series of conferences around the world that are focused on analytics. Each event in each different city is focused on its own theme. For example, in Chicago there are two simultaneous events: one focused on manufacturing and one focused on business. In Washington, D.C., the conference is focused on how government agencies use data analysis. Many of the other conferences are focused on business in general and can appeal to anyone interested in learning more about data analysis and upcoming trends in predictive analytics.
Predictive Analytics World
BONUS: HubSpot’s “How to Use Excel” Blog Post
While this is a single blog post rather than an ongoing publication, I still think worth including here as a helpful resource. I get asked about my favorite Excel tips all the time, so I finally decided to compile some of the most common ones into a single blog post listing 14 simple Excel shortcuts, tips, and tricks.
Excel Tips
What are your favorite resources for learning more about analytics? Share with us in the comments below.
Travailleur indépendant depuis 2005 et véritable autodidacte, j’ai appris à créer des sites internet, les héberger sur le web et les positionner en 1er page des moteurs de recherche. J’ai fait du référencement ma spécialité et ma passion !
Mon parcours sur internet commence en 2005 sous le statut EURL par la création et la gestion complète de plusieurs sites e-commerce de prêt à porter, high tech, produits bio etc…
Mais le référencement internet et la programmation pour le web me plaisaient bien plus que la vente et les relations clients. Je me suis donc reconverti en 2008 dans l’affiliation et le Black Hat SEO. Date à laquelle je créais également mon agence de référencement google ce qui m’a permis un partenariat durable avec la société américaine SEOW.
J’ai lancé le projet qui permet de dupliquer votre contenu sans faire de duplicate content, le réseau qui propose d’utiliser un très large réseau de blog et qui permet de gérer automatiquement le référencement de milliers de sites.
Je peux intervenir pour vous ou vos clients sur simple contact : +33 6 88 81 72 90 ou [email protected]
I’ve been interested in data and analytics for a long, long time. As a ten-year-old, I remember creating Excel spreadsheets with my dad for his annual Fantasy Football pool. By the time I was 16, I was building Pivot Tables with my cell phone bill to figure out who I texted the most. (I promise I had other hobbies.)
Since then, I’ve learned how much more there is to data analysis besides Pivot Tables and Excel. There’s a whole world of analytics out there — and I’ve barely scratched the surface.There’s always more to learn, so I’ve made it my mission to learn as much as possible about analytics by talking with people and, of course, consuming as much content as I can online. Here are my favorite go-to resources for continuing my marketing analytics education.
1) The KISSmetrics Blog
The KISSmetrics blog is a great resource to learn about marketing analytics, testing, and experimenting with your data. Content is posted daily and will teach you everything from A/B testing to growing your business with analytics to lead generation on your different marketing channels. No matter what company you work at, you’ll be able to learn something about data analysis by reading and following this blog.
2) “Occam’s Razor” Blog
Avinash Kaushik is known for his book, Web Analytics 2.0 & Web Analytics: An Hour A Day. “Occam’s Razor” is his blog, where he writes some of the best analyses, explanations, and analytical materials out there. From these posts, you’ll learn how to approach advanced analytics situations and take your data analysis to the next level from a true expert.
Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
3) HubSpot’s Inbound Certification
HubSpot offers a free inbound marketing certification for anyone interested in learning about how to implement inbound marketing in their business. The curriculum covers many parts of inbound marketing, including analyzing your efforts to make smarter decisions on where to invest in your future. Not only is it free, but it’s available to anyone interested in learning these best practices.
Academy Certification
4) Google’s Analytics Academy
Google Analytics is one of the most popular platforms for companies analyzing their marketing efforts. To help teach people how they should approach their data analysis, Google offers different classes through their Analytics Academy. In addition to courses to teach users how to use Google Analytics, there are also courses that teach about data analysis in general. From mobile analysis to digital analytics, users can take these free courses and learn a lot more about how they should approach their next analytics challenge.
Google Analytics Academy
5) Quora’s Analytics Section
The Analytics section of Quora is one of the best places to get quick analytics help with little effort. In this section, you can search or browse through thousands of common analytics questions and skim through answers from analytics experts. Many of the most respected analytics experts are following and answering topics related to analytics on Quora. And if, you can’t find what you are looking for, you can always ask a question yourself.
6) General Assembly’s Data Analysis Courses
General Assembly is an online resource offering classes, workshops, courses, and on “the most relevant skills of the 21st century.” Among them are a ton of data analysis classes for all levels, including introductory classes on fundamental modeling techniques and making meaning out of large data sets, and some more advanced classes on data analysis through SQL.
General Assembly
7) “Online Behavior” Blog
Google Analytics Advocate Daniel Waisberg is the founder of Online Behavior, a blog that focuses on marketing measurement and optimization and covers a wide range of topics. Most of the content focuses on how to conduct different types of analysis using Google Analytics. Some focuses on data analysis and reporting in general and provides best practices on these topics. No matter what your interest is, you’re bound to find helpful advice on this blog.
Online Behavior
8) The Moz Blog’s Analytics Section
Moz’s blog covers topics about inbound marketing and SEO — but if you dig into the “Analytics” tag specifically, you’ll find a ton of helpful articles about topics ranging from general best practices to instructions for conducting experiments and analyses with your data. I find the advice on here very actionable, and I think it’d be helpful for readers at every level.
9) Predictive Analytics World Conferences
Predictive Analytics World is a series of conferences around the world that are focused on analytics. Each event in each different city is focused on its own theme. For example, in Chicago there are two simultaneous events: one focused on manufacturing and one focused on business. In Washington, D.C., the conference is focused on how government agencies use data analysis. Many of the other conferences are focused on business in general and can appeal to anyone interested in learning more about data analysis and upcoming trends in predictive analytics.
Predictive Analytics World
BONUS: HubSpot’s “How to Use Excel” Blog Post
While this is a single blog post rather than an ongoing publication, I still think worth including here as a helpful resource. I get asked about my favorite Excel tips all the time, so I finally decided to compile some of the most common ones into a single blog post listing 14 simple Excel shortcuts, tips, and tricks.
Excel Tips
What are your favorite resources for learning more about analytics? Share with us in the comments below.
Travailleur indépendant depuis 2005 et véritable autodidacte, j’ai appris à créer des sites internet, les héberger sur le web et les positionner en 1er page des moteurs de recherche. J’ai fait du référencement ma spécialité et ma passion !
Mon parcours sur internet commence en 2005 sous le statut EURL par la création et la gestion complète de plusieurs sites e-commerce de prêt à porter, high tech, produits bio etc…
Mais le référencement internet et la programmation pour le web me plaisaient bien plus que la vente et les relations clients. Je me suis donc reconverti en 2008 dans l’affiliation et le Black Hat SEO. Date à laquelle je créais également mon agence de référencement google ce qui m’a permis un partenariat durable avec la société américaine SEOW.
J’ai lancé le projet qui permet de dupliquer votre contenu sans faire de duplicate content, le réseau qui propose d’utiliser un très large réseau de blog et qui permet de gérer automatiquement le référencement de milliers de sites.
Je peux intervenir pour vous ou vos clients sur simple contact : +33 6 88 81 72 90 ou [email protected]
OK merci, mais nous faisons du Content généré par robot et en White Hat seulement. Mais nous gardons vos coordonnées 😉